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1. The Festival Ambassador of Tarná½€w Maestro Krystian Tkaczewski and his guests is more than a master class! An exclusive and diversified summer festival with intense artistic work and numerous concerts. 15 young pianists will receive 4 lessons (I session) and 3 lessons in the II session , one with each professor from our international faculty, and can perform at least in one student recital. For participants from outside of Tarná½€w, there is ample practice possibility provided.
2. If you are interested to participate at the festival please send following documents online to
- Resume/CV
- You Tube link (or comparable)
3. Travel expenses and accommodation have to be covered by participants themselves.
4. There is recommended Hotel Kantoria or economic bungalows “Pod Jabloniami”
4. The fee for masterclass, board and accomodation will not be reimbursed or refunded in any moment.
5. Every student will receive at least 3 hours of practice daily at Paderewski Music School. Additionally will receive at least one performance in student concert.
6. Students of first session will have an opportunity to perform one movement of piano concerto accompanied by Tarnow Chamber Orchestra on August 6 and 7, 2022
The list of possible concertos:
J.S.Bach- Concerto in D minor, BWV 1052, I mvt
J.S.Bach- Concerto in D minor, BWV 1052, III mvt
J.S.Bach -Concerto in F minor, BWV 1056, I mov.
J.S.Bach -Concerto in F minor, BWV 1056, III mov.
J.Haydn- Piano Concerto in D major, Hob. XVIII/11, I mvt
J.Haydn- Piano Concerto in D major, Hob. XVIII/11, III mvt
W.A. Mozart -Piano Concerto no.9 in E-flat major, KV271, I mov.
W.A.Mozart -Piano Concerto no.9 in E-flat major, KV 271, III mov.
W.A.Mozart- Piano Concerto no. 12 in A major, KV 414, I mvt
W.A.Mozart - Piano Concerto no. 12 in A major, KV 414, III mvt
W.A.Mozart - some other concerti possible after consultation with Artistic Director
L.van Beethoven -Piano Concerto no.1 in C major, op.15, I mov.
L.van Beethoven -Piano Concerto no.1 in C major, op.15, III mov.
L.van Beethoven - Piano Concerto no.2 in B-flat major, op. 19, I mov.
L.van Beethoven- Piano Concerto no. 3, op. 37, III mvt
F.Chopin- Piano Concerto in F minor, op. 21, I mvt
F.Chopin- Piano Concerto in F minor, op. 21, II mvt
F.Chopin- Piano Concerto in F minor, op. 21, III mvt
F.Chopin- Piano Concerto in E minor, op. 11, II mvt
F.Chopin- Piano Concerto in E minor, op. 11, III mvt
R.Schumann-Piano Concerto in A minor, op. 54, I mvt
C. Saint-Saëns - Piano Concerto No 2 in G minor, Op 22, I, III mov.
All participants of first session will have an opportunity to perform with orchestra if:
1. Learn above listed concerto (full technical control and perfect memorization)
2. They will easily collaborate with orchestra including such things as partnering and
musical understanding.
3. Artistic Director and staff will attend rehearsals and if they notice any problems
with mastering material and conductor/orchestra - soloist communication will not allow
this participant to perform in the official concert.
4. In such case any part of tuition will not be reimbursed.

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